Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Five & I’m Still Going

Friday, March 18, 2011

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, ½ sausage, 2 pieces of toast with butter, coffee

Snack: none

Lunch: Big Mac, Fries and ice tea

Snack: none

Dinner: about 6 pieces of pizza, water

Exercise: Got up and walked with the DH today as he has it off. He went jogging first with the dog rested for about five minutes then we went. It was my normal walk I do with my iPod and took us about 47 minutes. There were moments I wish I ‘d gone myself but at least it’s done and I got home fine. Just some of those discussions we have, makes me wonder. Sigh.

Thoughts: I love Big Macs. When I was a teenager, they had the commercial on where you’d get a free one if you sang it when you ordered. I sang it so many times, they finally banned me getting them free at our local MacDonald’s. The thing is that I rarely eat them any more because they are a lot of calories. Tons matter of fact. But they remind me of such a happy time in my childhood, I can’t always resist them. When I grew up, we had Big Boy’s and the Big Mac’s were so similar to them when they came out, I gravitated to them. Reason: Nevada only had one Big Boy resturuant and we would only go about once a year when we first got out here. My substitute was the Big Mac.

Yes, I’ll have to walk a little further tomorrow morning but it will be worth it. LOL!



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