Monday, June 28, 2010

Loading Up: Day #2

Today is another loading day as well. Again, I get to eat anything and everything I want. This has its own pitfalls as I ate everything I wanted yesterday. This is the second day on the drops and I just don’t feel hungry at all. If this is what they are supposed to do, then this is truly amazing.

I have my last bowl of cereal for a while, frosted mini-wheats, and savor the milk. I know this is what I’ll miss most. I love milk and cheese and in most cases, I do everything in moderation. In reading an article about obesity, I found something I’ve always known. Overweight people by and large don’t overeat, they under eat in most cases. Some don’t like sweets, that’s me and unless I’m PMSing I don’t like them one bit. I don’t PMS anymore because I’ve done the menopause thing but I do have my moments. Here’s the article and I’d love to know what you think:  

In this article, they talk about every way to lose weight, from very low calorie diets to bariatric surgery. They leave nothing out and talk about studies old and new. While those things are pertinent if you are writing a thesis, for the layperson, they are useless. People want facts and figures of what happened to Aunt Jo down the street. This is one reason I’m doing this blog, so people can have a real insight to someone who is living this weight loss plan.

I decide before breakfast, I’m going to weigh and feel yucky about it already. There is no way I could have lost any weight. I didn’t overeat but I most definitely didn’t watch calories either. Pulling out the scale, I put it down in the exact places as yesterday then nearly fall off it when I look down. I step off so I can see it better...nah...that can’t be.

I tap it again so I can get back on it. Yup, I’m really not blind and it did say what it did. I lost a pound and all I did was not eat as much as before. I didn’t even take a walk to day and that’s amazing. Then I try to remember what I was wearing for clothes...I think my nightshirt...whereas today I’m wearing underwear and a tank top. That must be it, the clothes are different.

If I have lost a pound, it’s truly amazing. If I haven’t I’ll find out tomorrow. But today, I’ll eat my heart out. For lunch, I ask the youngest where he wants to go and he decides on Jack. I try to picture what I’ll be eating and couldn’t decide when I got there. I finally got Bacon Cheddar Potato Wedges and their Buffalo Sliders. That should do me.

Yeah, that should do me all right. I bring it all home. Since I want to have the sliders as well, I decide to share the wedges with my youngest. He happily took whatever I gave him. I was practically full after just two and a little of the cheese. Then I could barely choke down just one and a half of the three sliders. This was not like me. I was used to clearing my plate or placing the rest in the fridge. I just wasn’t interested and that in itself is interesting.

Tonight I had critique group so we had our usual, salad and pizza. The pizza we have is called ‘The Works’ and it’s just yummy but one and a half pieces was it along with one plate of salad with minimal dressing. Again, this is not normal but I’m just not hungry. This should be a good thing.

I still haven’t started walking and know I need to take some pictures for you all during this journey. Believe me, I will. I’m still in awe that I’m not hungry and lost a pound.



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Weight Loss Goals

My weight loss goals are simple. A pound a week is all I want to lose. If I lose more, great!

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