Okay, here I am with day #3 and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Yes, it’s a very low calorie diet but so far, so good.
I started the day with the drops, a couple of coffee or two and the ever present apple. Again, there is some controversy about what fruits you can and can’t have. I’m sticking to apples because I have a lot of them from an orchard but apparently, you can also do an orange or two handfuls of strawberries. So one has some choices.
Oh, and I stepped on the scale today. Another pound. I really don’t get it but it’s working and I’ll keep going. After all, it is only day three and like I had said at the beginning as well as to my husband, I can do anything for thirty days. It was either the weight or my sanity. Guess what won.
For lunch, I have a salad with my four ounces of chicken. I load it up with onions, broccoli and cumcumbers for a nice large meal. The one thing I can’t do is not to have some flavoring on it. So I do something they will tell you is a strict no-no. I pull out my Newman’s Own Balsamic salad dressing and take the two tablespoon serving, add an equal amount of water on it and bang. I have enough flavor for a huge salad.
I’ve heard of where people get really irritable with this type of diet. So far, so good for me. I seem to be full all the time as I could not find any portion limits on things like lettuce. I know I haven’t been hungry nor grumpy. I’m sure it will come because I have been known to be very grumpy when deprived of my favorite foods. But then again, doesn’t everyone do that? LOL!
Now, for dinner, I basically have the same thing. I won’t mind this for a few days. I think. It will wear off soon as I love meat and potatoes and lots of veggies. Sigh. I’m dreaming of food I can’t have. This isn’t good. LOL!
Talk to you all tomorrow as I move along this journey!
Today is another loading day as well. Again, I get to eat anything and everything I want. This has its own pitfalls as I ate everything I wanted yesterday. This is the second day on the drops and I just don’t feel hungry at all. If this is what they are supposed to do, then this is truly amazing.
I have my last bowl of cereal for a while, frosted mini-wheats, and savor the milk. I know this is what I’ll miss most. I love milk and cheese and in most cases, I do everything in moderation. In reading an article about obesity, I found something I’ve always known. Overweight people by and large don’t overeat, they under eat in most cases. Some don’t like sweets, that’s me and unless I’m PMSing I don’t like them one bit. I don’t PMS anymore because I’ve done the menopause thing but I do have my moments. Here’s the article and I’d love to know what you think: http://tinyurl.com/ObesityArticle
In this article, they talk about every way to lose weight, from very low calorie diets to bariatric surgery. They leave nothing out and talk about studies old and new. While those things are pertinent if you are writing a thesis, for the layperson, they are useless. People want facts and figures of what happened to Aunt Jo down the street. This is one reason I’m doing this blog, so people can have a real insight to someone who is living this weight loss plan.
I decide before breakfast, I’m going to weigh and feel yucky about it already. There is no way I could have lost any weight. I didn’t overeat but I most definitely didn’t watch calories either. Pulling out the scale, I put it down in the exact places as yesterday then nearly fall off it when I look down. I step off so I can see it better...nah...that can’t be.
I tap it again so I can get back on it. Yup, I’m really not blind and it did say what it did. I lost a pound and all I did was not eat as much as before. I didn’t even take a walk to day and that’s amazing. Then I try to remember what I was wearing for clothes...I think my nightshirt...whereas today I’m wearing underwear and a tank top. That must be it, the clothes are different.
If I have lost a pound, it’s truly amazing. If I haven’t I’ll find out tomorrow. But today, I’ll eat my heart out. For lunch, I ask the youngest where he wants to go and he decides on Jack. I try to picture what I’ll be eating and couldn’t decide when I got there. I finally got Bacon Cheddar Potato Wedges and their Buffalo Sliders. That should do me.
Yeah, that should do me all right. I bring it all home. Since I want to have the sliders as well, I decide to share the wedges with my youngest. He happily took whatever I gave him. I was practically full after just two and a little of the cheese. Then I could barely choke down just one and a half of the three sliders. This was not like me. I was used to clearing my plate or placing the rest in the fridge. I just wasn’t interested and that in itself is interesting.
Tonight I had critique group so we had our usual, salad and pizza. The pizza we have is called ‘The Works’ and it’s just yummy but one and a half pieces was it along with one plate of salad with minimal dressing. Again, this is not normal but I’m just not hungry. This should be a good thing.
I still haven’t started walking and know I need to take some pictures for you all during this journey. Believe me, I will. I’m still in awe that I’m not hungry and lost a pound.
So, it takes me two days to get the HCG Platinum drops from the local GNC because they don’t carry them. The manager was kind enough to pick up a package in town then bring them out so I could purchase them. I also loaded up on liquid B12 because it is recommended to use at the same time.
Once I had the hot little box in my hand for the first time, which was yesterday, I pulled it all out and looked at the contents. I read the little booklet as well as talked to my DH and made him read it. I don’t want anyone here being blindsided when I eat only salads, very little meat and apples. Yeah, the diet is that restrictive.
Except the first two days. Today I get to eat anything I want. At first, I was shocked by this but understood after a while. I you eat everything you want, there should be no cravings for those things while you’re in your thirty days of hell. LOL! That maybe true for some people but not me, if I really want it, there is nothing on this earth, which will stop me from getting it. People say I have no willpower but I think that’s hogwash. It’s not because I really want it sometimes nor need it. I just have to have it. Go figure.
So today, I had that bacon and eggs and Danish. I filled up on breakfast, which is one of my favorite meals because I didn’t know when I would be able to have another egg or bacon. I didn’t overeat which is definitely in my favor but I did eat what I wanted.
We went out with the family to a favorite place and again, I ate what I wanted. I savored each smell and taste. I contemplated desert because again, I didn’t know when I’d get a chance for another. I decided to get a sundae from Dairy Queen as a treat.
At dinnertime, we had Taco Bell because Mexican food is my all time favorite. It is the exact cause of my first 50 pound weight gain. And I will always need to be careful with it when I am totally off the plan.
Ten minutes before every meal, I do ten drops. They taste a little nasty because it has a high alcohol content but it’s not intolerable.
And I weighed today. I don’t want to think about it because this is the most I have ever weighed in my life. I really don’t know why I ever let myself gain this much weight. Yeah, I’ll tell you some day just not today.
Wish me luck. See you tomorrow!
I know that many people will say that I’m copping out and doing something crazy. I’ve done crazier things will less motivation.
After reading all the documentation, I’ve decided I’m going to try HCG. Along with this comes a very low calorie diet (VLCD), which is the only thing scary about this at all. The HCG product does not stay in your body after 44 days in the form it will be taken. You also are not recommend to take the drops or do the diet for any longer than 26 days with two loading days at the beginning and two weaning off days at the end. I can do anything for 30 days, anything at all.
Sure, the movie Supersize Me shows what can happen to one when eating nothing but fast food. Most fast food is laden with bad fat as well as other questionables. It’s no wonder that you could do horrible damage by eating nothing but fast food for a month. I would probably die doing something like this.
With this VLCD, you are eating good food and I’ve looked the plan over and over again. I will adjust it as needed and will stop immediately if I notice a problem. I will not, nor cannot at my current weight, starve. But my body might rebel because I’m not eating much. But unlike anorexics I will be eating. I love food and I just need to get to a reasonable weight before I can enjoy it again.
This whole program has to be done in steps. Each losing phase is approximately 30 days, though one can do a 15 day increment if they just want to try it out. After those thirty days, you must go on a maintenance plan for 2-6 weeks to stabilize your weight as well as show your body you have no intention of starving it.
I will also be taking a whole regimen of vitamins I’ve taken for years and blogging about my progress every day.
I know my body and I know when too much is too much. But the weight has got to go because I honestly think it will kill me before this diet even has a change. I’ve ordered my drops from the local GNC today instead of going to one of the many clinics who use this weight loss method. The main reason is cost. The clinics are much more than I want to spend right now and with my medical knowledge I feel confident in knowing what I’m doing.
Plus my family is in on this with me. I had to tell them otherwise it would have been a useless journey as I will need their help. I’ll still have to go to family Sunday lunches, I’ll still need to go to parties I’m invited to as well as have holidays roll around like July 4th which will be during my first week.
I don’t think this will be easy but I think it will be enlightening. I'll see how I do this first leg before I make any decisions to move on to another 30 days.
I’ll start blogging daily the moment I start which should be within the next few days.
Okay, I’m not one for fads here nor am I one to do something because everyone is doing it. But this stuff seems to be amazing...too amazing when you think about it. How can anything promise that you might lose a pound a day?
The more I read about this, the more I don’t understand. It is a homeopathic drug. I know and respect homeopathic anything as they should be treated like any other drug a doctor might give you. This has a history attached to it and most fad diets don’t. In 1957, a British endocrinologist, Dr. A.D.W. Simeons started to give his patients human chorionic gonadotrophin. This is the female hormone which the body tosses out in the beginning of pregnancy in the urine. During the pregancy, it is use in various ways.
So, what does it have to do with weight loss? Apparently, this Dr. Simeons used it on some male patients for another disorder entirely and noted they lost weight. Huge amounts of weight. Eventually, the normal medical establishment made him stop defending his claims and using the drug in an unauthorized manner. He was using pure HCG at the time through injections.
Today’s HCG is completely homeopathic and everyone is unsure how it works or why in the weight loss arena. But it does according to a lot of people I’ve talked to and this means I’ve got to do even more research before I just jump in with both feet.
Still, I’m eating right and maintaining my weight even though I’m up there in numbers I don’t care for at this time. I have to do something and I’m not sure what since nothing seems to work.
More on this later....
Today I turn 52 and when one gets to be my age, you tend to reflect a little more than you might have a few years ago.
This year, while it’s been wonderful overall, there have been a few pitfalls. This year, I became a grandmother to two wonderful little boys. They are cut and special and were born premature at about eight months. They arrived in March then stayed in the hospital for almost three weeks after that. It was a special day when they came home and their parents have been spoiling them ever since.
It’s also been a year of some career ups and down but it will come around eventually. Basically, I had lost my spark for writing but it’s been found again and I’m pounding the keys once more.
The final thing would have to be my weight. As all of you know, this has been the year where I said I would commit to losing all this crappy weight which is hanging on my body. But nothing seemed to work and still really hasn’t. I’ve lost one or two or five then gained one or two or five back. That’s not a healthy thing to do but a yo-yo.
But today, I happened to see an old friend of mine in the grocery store. She had been on this same journey as well and even shared it to me. As we stood talking I told her just how good she looked and asked her what she was doing. She told me about this plan which used the homeopathic drops called HCG and then she went on to tell me a little about what it did for her. She lost thirty pounds in about forty-five days and that you could lose a pound a day.
A pound a day?!? Are you kidding? I decided right then and there I would be going home and researching this product.
The best part? She hasn’t been hungry but she hasn’t gone on maintenance yet and plans to soon.
I’ll keep you all posted.
Okay...I haven’t blogged for two weeks...I know, I know. But with the holidays...who has time?
And as expected, I back slid a little bit and I’m not happy about it. I’ve gained an inch on my abdomen and gained a pound and depending what part of the day I weigh, it can be more. Sigh.
Holidays are hard and while it’s not an excuse it is a reason. I could have done what I’ve done in the past and gain half of what I lost before the season but this time I didn’t. I can contribute the whole gain to me eating more salt, more cookies than I did all year and the worst of all, NO EXERCISE. If I would have just kept up my walks, I would have probably kept the weight off.
Then there is the fact that we ate out this last two weeks more than normal since I had the husband and teenager home. Eating out can be just as hazardous as the holidays.
So, what am I doing to combat this sudden upward trend?
Well, the first thing is I stepped on the scale today. Horrid as it may seem, I did it and was immediately depressed. My fault totally. Then yesterday, I started again with the food diary as it is the main thing that will get me back on track.
And I was immediately shocked when a restaurant meal came up to a whopping 1500 calories. Heavens! The only good thing is that I did almost two hours of walking yesterday, first in the mall and during shopping, then another forty minutes in the evening to start my trend back up. I also lifted weights and did my crunches. I hate crunches. Sigh. A necessary evil if I want to get that flat belly once again.
Still, all in all, the holiday season was wonderful. I received great gifts and had a great time off from life. Now it’s time to get back to it.
See ya next week!
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